Monday, June 27, 2011

The flyer and more info

I just realized I never actually posted the flyer I'll be handing out.  Take a look at it here. 

Also, once again, Sheila has been fantastic. She has already contacted Metra and has put me in touch with the Alderman's office.  Thanks again, Sheila!

Thanks Roscoe Village Bikes!

Lesley at Roscoe Village Bikes has graciously added the Ravenswood BPA to their Facebook page. So, stop on in and buy something. 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Ravenswood Bike Parking Alliance is here

Hi there!  If you are reading this, you probably found one of the flyers I put on your bike or met me at the Ravenswood Metra stop.  Regardless, I wanted to give a brief overview of what this site is and what my goals are.

I've lived in this neighborhood for over two years.  In that time, I've commuted to the train by bike every day the weather allowed.  So far, I have had my bike vandalized or parts stolen five times.  I had my pedals, two bike seats & posts, and a rear fender stolen.  Last Thursday, someone attempted to steal my front tire.  This braniac did not notice that my tire was cable locked to the bike rack so he just threw away the front wheel pin. 

I purchased my bike for $200 six years ago solely as a commuter bike.  I thought that parts and labor would be cheap but thus far, I've spent over $200 in replacement parts and security measures on the bike. Perhaps the most frustrating part is that all of the vandalism and theft occured in broad daylight at an extraordinarily busy intersection.  After speaking to bike shops around the neighborhood, they all concurred that the problem there is endemic.  One person even said 'I can't believe you park your bike there.'  Unfortunately, there isn't any place else to park.

The theft of the wheel pin was the final straw.  I've decided to take action.  The evening of the last theft, I emailed the Ravenswood Community  Council, the city of Chicago biking department and Metra.  I've only received an answer from Sheila at the RCC, and she has been awesome.  In the coming weeks and months, I will be doing everything I can to make parking a bike at the Ravenswood Metra more secure.

That said, I need your help.  Obviously I'm at the begining stages of this and nothing comes easy.  But for now I'm asking for only two things from you.  First and foremost, email with any and every instance of theft, vandalism or general problems you've had parking at the Ravenswood Metra stop.  When you email me, please allow me to add you to the mailer to keep you informed of goings-on with the parking situation.  Sheila has been awesome and has a lot of great ideas to get started, but they make more sense of we have more people involved.  Second, just follow the blog in your RSS feed.  I'll be posting updates here and trying to get the word out to as many people as possible in the coming weeks.  The more people know about it, the faster we'll get things done.

Feel free to leave a comment, or if you know of any other way we can get involved, shoot me an email.  One more time it's
